Does this item have any tufting (little buttons)?
Any decorative nailhead around the arms/bottom of sofa?
Do you need to dispose your old couch?
How many of this item you need serviced?
If your living room recliner has suffered a few mishaps, or your dining room table doesn’t look as good as...
Are you thinking about repairing your own furniture or upholstery? You might want to think twice before you do. Read...
Sometimes, it’s tricky to decide if you should tackle a problem in your home by yourself and save some cash,...
If you want to repair some of your furniture at home you’ll need to make sure you stock up on...
Coming up with thoughtful gift ideas can be tricky. Oftentimes, it’s easier to go the easy route than the thoughtful...
Leather furniture is a wonderful investment. Not only does it look and feel fantastic, but it is easy to...
Showing your home to a prospective buyer is an incredible opportunity to provide that person with a vision for how...
Our pets are a treasure. They give us unconditional love and affection every single day, sometimes every time we enter...
There are going to be a number of milestone events that happen in your life, and many of them will...
From a consumer standpoint, checking out the social media reputation of a craftsman, shop or studio is pretty standard procedure...
Upholstery Cleaning
Upholstery & Re-Upholstery
Disassembly & Reassembly
Custom Made Furniture
Furniture Repair