Does this item have any tufting (little buttons)?
Any decorative nailhead around the arms/bottom of sofa?
Do you need to dispose your old couch?
How many of this item you need serviced?
More often than not, we let our basements go to waste. Gathering dust bunnies, boxed memories, and items we never...
Have you decided to become your own boss? Are you one of the lucky few who have zero commute to...
When choosing a theme for a home or an individual room within a house, people tend to resort to bland...
From a consumer standpoint, checking out the social media reputation of a craftsman, shop or studio is pretty standard procedure...
The Green Project recently hosted the 6th annual contest and fundraiser called Salvations, a juried furniture exhibition and auction.
Which style will you choose? New and inventive furniture is a sure fire way to give any home a fun...
Furniture should grow as your child does.
When you’re decorating a large room, furnishing might seem simple at first. Depending on the size of the room, properly...
Just because you have a small space, doesn’t mean it can’t be quite cozy!
The perfect gift is always a gift from the heart!
Upholstery Cleaning
Upholstery & Re-Upholstery
Disassembly & Reassembly
Custom Made Furniture
Furniture Repair