You pay a lot for your furniture. You take time to pick it out, style it in your home, and accessorize around it. Continue reading “Lesser Known Furniture Services”
You pay a lot for your furniture. You take time to pick it out, style it in your home, and accessorize around it. Continue reading “Lesser Known Furniture Services”
NYC is not for everyone, and those who choose to live here are accustomed to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is a fast paced environment. Continue reading “Tips On Searching For An NYC Apartment”
So, it is your turn to host dinner for the holidays this year. There is so much to do and so little time. Before you know it, your guest will be knocking on your front door. Continue reading “Thanksgiving 2013 – Decorations, Holiday Party Ideas, & More”
Think back on all the times you or your family had to move during your lifetime. The back-breaking work. The struggling to get the bed up the stairway. Continue reading “3 Furniture Services You Wish You’d Known About”
Move-in day is looming and if you are like most people getting ready to relocate, the stress could be piling up. Continue reading “5 Ways To Make Move-in Day Less Hectic”
Harsh sun, scorching temperatures wet weather, freezing temperatures: wherever you live, your wooden outdoor furniture must endure one or more of these conditions. Continue reading “Protecting Outdoor Wooden Furniture”