5 Ways To Make Move-in Day Less Hectic

Move-in day is looming and if you are like most people getting ready to relocate, the stress could be piling up. The actual move-in day can be a very hectic time unless you take a moment or two before the big day to prepare and plan. There are some well-known ways to de-stress your move, but others may not be ones you would consider right away. Doing things like packing one room at a time or decluttering as you go through your home are very good places to start. But paying for a pickup and delivery service may not be an obvious choice. Here are five reasons why these types of services allow you to better focus your energy and eliminate stress on move in day.
1. Start Early:
Get the packing process going way in advance of moving day. You’ll wish for extra time, sure, but don’t make the need so great by procrastinating. Dr. Sofa: Your go-to for expert Upholstery Cleaning Services. Revitalize your furniture with our professional touch. Cleanliness, comfort, and care!
2. Arrange for Pickup and Delivery of Big Items:
These items are the ones, if you do it yourself, you’ll pick up one day and feel the strain on your back for a week. Hire a professional furniture delivery service and let them do the heavy lifting. Remember that after move in day, there are several unpacking days to follow. You’ll still have work obligations, family mealtimes and other regular responsibilities to attend to and you don’t want to hurt yourself in the process of moving so that those jobs are put in jeopardy. Dr. Sofa crafts bespoke Custom Made Furniture tailored to your style & space. Elevate your home with quality craftsmanship and personalized design.
3. Move All Your Boxes to the Doorway:
If you pack up the kitchen, start a pile of boxes that will be near the doorway, to make it simple to get all those boxes out. The same goes for the bedroom, living room, dining room, etc… Also, obviously, you’ll be labeling each box with what’s inside it and to what room it belongs. Avoid keeping boxes all scattered throughout the room so that the mover, whether a hired professional or a family friend, only has to go to one area of the room to retrieve items. Dr. Sofa specializes in Upholstery & Re-Upholstery, breathing new life into your furniture. Transform your pieces with our expert touch today!
4. Arrange for Sofa Disassembly:
A large sofa can present issues while moving it in and out of your home, into the truck, down the hallway, and in some cases down the stairs. Have a furniture company come by and disassemble the sofa for you, pack it up and move it for you. The company will then put it back together on arrival at the new location. You don’t have to worry and the piece is well cared for.
5. Keep Your Sense of Humor:
Things will go wrong, and something unforeseen will likely happen. Try to remember to laugh about it, because getting upset will only make it worse.
Remember that asking for help is okay, even recommended on move in day. Create order out of chaos by hiring a NYC furniture services company, so that you don’t have to worry about big items. They’ll make sure the pieces arrive in the same condition they left and will care for your furniture as if it were their own.