If you’ve had your furniture for a while, it probably shows significant signs of age. Stains, scuffs, breaks or other damage can be tough for furniture-owners to repair on their own. Continue reading “To Repair or Buy New: What to do When Age or Damage Hits Your Furniture?”
Author: admin
Motivations: What Drives People to Move Away from Home?
If you were born between 1980-1999, you are considered a Millennial. The generation immediately following Generation X, Millennials are known for living at home with their parents well into their 20’s, and in some cases, even 30’s. Continue reading “Motivations: What Drives People to Move Away from Home?”
House Party Gone Wrong: Tips for Cleaning Up
When you hear the words “house party” what are the first images that pop into your head? Probably scenes from classic movies – trashed living rooms, broken picture frames, destroyed windows and doors… Continue reading “House Party Gone Wrong: Tips for Cleaning Up”
Small Doorways & Large Furniture
Sofa disassembly is often a necessity for those moving, whether a couch, a chaise lounge, leather sofa or a sectional. Continue reading “Small Doorways & Large Furniture”
Why Disassemble Furniture for Your Move?
So, you’re moving. Whether you’re going across country or across the street, the prospect of packing all your things into boxes, cramming them into a moving van and unpacking it all a few days later will stress you out. Continue reading “Why Disassemble Furniture for Your Move?”
Moving Furniture for Carpet Cleaning
Ah, summer; the season of mud-tracking, sand-depositing, juice-spilling, dirt-carrying activity in and outside your home. Continue reading “Moving Furniture for Carpet Cleaning”
Tips for Disassembling Old Furniture
Whether you’re planning a big move or simply rearranging your home, you probably already know that moving furniture is a ton of work. Continue reading “Tips for Disassembling Old Furniture”
Adding Color to Your Bedroom
Just because most of the time in your bedroom is spent with your eyes closed, doesn’t mean it has to be a bore. Adding a pop of color – or a lot of color – to your room can be a great way to energize yourself each day. Continue reading “Adding Color to Your Bedroom”
Creating a Productive Home Office
Working from home is a convenient way to spend time with your family, avoid a commute and be productive at the same time. Continue reading “Creating a Productive Home Office”
5 Space Planning Tips
If you’re moving or redecorating, you know the importance of planning your space before the furniture comes through the door. Continue reading “5 Space Planning Tips”