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House Party Gone Wrong: Tips for Cleaning Up

www.all-free-download.comWhen you hear the words “house party” what are the first images that pop into your head? Probably scenes from classic movies – trashed living rooms, broken picture frames, destroyed windows and doors… Continue reading “House Party Gone Wrong: Tips for Cleaning Up”

Moving Furniture for Carpet Cleaning

Cartoon of home furnitureAh, summer; the season of mud-tracking, sand-depositing, juice-spilling, dirt-carrying activity in and outside your home. Continue reading “Moving Furniture for Carpet Cleaning”

What To Do When You Have Guests Coming Over


welcome_carpet_picture_168161Having a party is a right of passage for home owners and proud renters everywhere. You want your guests to love your home as much as you do, but how can you be sure they’ll be comfortable and content in your home? Continue reading “What To Do When You Have Guests Coming Over”

Spring Cleaning Tips
Spring cleaning is always a great way to renew your home.

Everyone waits for that day when the weather finally breaks and you can open up the windows to let in the fresh air. Continue reading “Spring Cleaning Tips”

Tips for Keeping a Clean Home

Keep your home in pristine shape throughout the holidays.

It’s the holiday season, and that means time for entertaining. Guests will be going through the house in greater numbers than usual, and your furniture will be seeing more wear and tear right when you want everything to look its best! Continue reading “Tips for Keeping a Clean Home”

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