What To Do With Holiday Furniture Gifts?

Christmas has just passed and New Year’s Eve is just a few short days away, which means that now is prime time for returning less-than-desireable gifts you may have received over the holidays. Even the most well-intentioned gifts may fall short of functional or wanted, and that’s completely okay! However, for some gifts, you may want to think twice before making your way to the mall to return them. While you may never find a time to wear that itchy sweater set from Aunt Judy, for gifts such as furniture, there are plenty of ways to fashion these pieces into beautiful additions to your home’s decor. DR. Sofa: Your go-to for furniture salvation! We expertly disassemble and reassemble furniture to fit your space like a glove. Stress-free solutions!
When it comes to that less-than-attractive ottoman or the erratically-patterned love seat that Grandma gave you this year, step back and take a good look at it. While the surface may not be pretty, you still have a structurally-sound, brand new piece of furniture on your hands! Instead of returning it, make it your own – customize it! There are plenty of furniture services in NYC that are ready and able to take on your holiday furniture task. Keep reading for some customization inspiration for your holiday furniture gifts.
Furniture Reupholstery
A great way to add a custom touch to your newly-gifted furniture is to reupholster it with completely new fabric. While the furniture’s original fabric might have not been your first choice or didn’t fit with the decor of the room it was destined for, that is a problem that can be easily fixed with new furniture reupholstery. In the long run, this trick is much more cost effective. Instead of wasting your money on an entirely new piece of furniture, you can simply modify the new furniture that you already own!
Furniture Redesign & Fabrication
Another option for your holiday furniture gifts is to have them redesigned. If the piece of furniture you received is too long, too short, or too wide to fit into your home, a professional furniture company can easily solve that problem. Services such as these allow you to redesign your furniture, without having to spend the money needed to replace it. DR. Sofa: Your upholstery’s best friend! We rejuvenate your furniture with top-notch cleaning services, ensuring a fresh and cozy feel every time.
Custom Furniture
In addition to furniture reupholstery, redesign, and fabrication, another way to make gifted furniture fit better into your home’s decor is to commission custom furniture to match it or complement it. For example, if you were given a sofa by one of your relatives, consider investing in a custom ottoman that mirrors the couch’s design. This will help establish the sofa’s presence and enhance the room’s harmony. If you don’t have room for an ottoman, consider creating a custom wall unit instead. There are a number of possibilities when it does to custom furniture – simply contact your local furniture professionals for more information. DR. Sofa: Where furniture woes find solutions! Our expert repair services breathe new life into your beloved pieces, restoring beauty and function.