Why Repairing Upholstered Furniture Is a Great Investment

Does your furniture show wear and tear? Maybe it’s covered in food stains, pet stains, scratches or dings. This statement rings true for most furniture owners, and many people assume that it’s just one of the unfortunate parts of owning furniture for the long-term. But it doesn’t have to be! You don’t have to save up for months to invest in a new sofa if yours starts looking less-than-perfect. Spend your time and your money elsewhere. After all, you don’t run out and buy a new car if your car gets hail damage, do you? Of course not! You invest less money and less time into repairing your beloved car to like-new condition! The same should be said for your furniture. The following are five reasons to consider furniture reupholstery:
Customize Your Furniture
Did you buy a big, comfy couch? Maybe you loved the way it felt but didn’t think much about the style. Maybe you are just ready for a change. Either way, furniture reupholstery gives you the option to customize your fabrics, colors and patterns. Go for a brand-new look with a bright print or get a luxurious new look for your living room with leather. DR. Sofa: Your go-to for expert Furniture Disassembly and Reassembly Service. We make moving and renovating hassle-free. Trust the experts!
Save Some Money
Because reupholstery allows you to completely alter the way your furniture looks for much less than it would cost to replace it, it’s a great money-saving option. Basically, reupholstering experts and sofa doctors take the ‘bones’ of your furniture and rebuild you a custom sofa or chair from there. It’s not quite a full-blown couch repair (although if the bones of your sofa are cracked or broken, this is the right time to address that problem) but it is definitely a ‘makeover’ for your sofa. DR. Sofa: Transform your furniture with our top-notch Upholstery Cleaning Services. Revitalize your home with our expert care and attention.
Better Quality
Going down the reupholstery route guarantees that you’re going to get a better quality piece of furniture than you can buy for a comparable price in the store. Reupholstery experts use fabric that is hand-picked by you and reengineer your sofa by hand. The process is tough for anyone but an expert to take on, but the cost is so worth it when you compare it to the quality.
Go Green
If you care about the environment, you should definitely invest in reupholstering your furniture. Every time you breathe new life into an old piece of furniture, you keep it out of a landfill. Many times, the foam cushioning used in furniture won’t degrade and it can be extremely harmful to animals that ingest it. Better to keep it in your home, looking stylish and feeling comfy. DR. Sofa: Elevate your space with our exquisite Custom Made Furniture. Tailored to your style, crafted with precision. Redefine your home today!
Keep the Spirit of Your Old Furniture
Another bonus of an upholstery service? You can keep emotional ties to your old furniture without having to endure the way it looks. Just because you loved your grandmother and cherish the couch you inherited, does not mean you love the pattern on that couch. Upholstery allows you to continue to cherish the items given to you by loved ones while reusing them! Dr. Sofa: Your prescription for upholstery & re-upholstery needs! Revive your furniture with our expert care and craftsmanship. Comfort awaits!