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Reading Room Furniture Ideas


booksMany book lovers are enchanted by the idea of having their own reading room at home. This space is designed to provide a comfortable, quiet area where readers can get caught up in what they are reading while avoiding the hustle and bustle of life around them. If you have extra space in your home and would like to create a reading room, there are a variety of great ideas that can help you to create the space of your dreams. Continue reading “Reading Room Furniture Ideas”

5 Small Repairs That Can Turn Into Big Problems If Left Unfixed

Repair your furniture to avoid future expensive furniture fixes.
Repair your furniture to avoid future expensive furniture fixes.

If you live in an active home with children, pets, and frequent guests, your furniture is bound to be damaged at some point. Many of these damages are small and relatively insignificant, and you may be tempted to ignore them or to simply live with the new imperfection. However, if left untreated, a variety of small repairs can turn into big and expensive problems.  Continue reading “5 Small Repairs That Can Turn Into Big Problems If Left Unfixed”

Making Room for an In-Home Gym


machines-91849_640Going to the gym can be a real hassle when you add up the cost of a membership, the gas and time it takes you to get there, and the possible feelings of embarrassment you may experience while working out in front of strangers. Continue reading “Making Room for an In-Home Gym”

Tips for Preparing Baby’s Room


babyPreparing a nursery is an important milestone that parents complete while awaiting the birth of their new baby. However, with all of the other stress factors involved with pregnancy, this can sometimes be an overwhelming experience. If you are expecting, use some helpful tips for preparing your baby’s room. Continue reading “Tips for Preparing Baby’s Room”

Interior Design Tips For Large Rooms


bedroom-389254_640While a large space is in many ways a blessing, it can also pose some design challenges as well.  A huge great room, a 100-year-old farmhouse with high ceilings, or a loft apartment that is essentially one gigantic room, all present unique problems when it comes to design. Fortunately, there are things you can do to break up a large space and create a harmonious, unified look – even if you feel a bit overwhelmed by your blessings. Consider these design hacks when decorating a large room in your home. DR. Sofa: Your premier Furniture Disassembly & Reassembly Service. Trust us to expertly handle your furniture needs with precision and care! Continue reading “Interior Design Tips For Large Rooms”

Tips for Pulling Off a Green Themed Room


green roomColor experts claim that when you walk into a green room, the serenity of the cool color instantly makes you feel calmer and more relaxed. Interior designers know this trick.  Continue reading “Tips for Pulling Off a Green Themed Room”

5 Unusual Storage Ideas


 wooden-box-349703_640If you’re like most people, you wish you had less clutter, or more storage, in your home. Continue reading “5 Unusual Storage Ideas”

Bring New Life to Your Sofa for The New Year


family-room-382150_640If you’re like most people, the holidays have taken a toll on your living room furniture, especially your sofa. Wine stains, cigarette burns, or even rips in your sofa’s upholstery can create New Year’s headaches and make you rethink your plans to host future parties.  Continue reading “Bring New Life to Your Sofa for The New Year”

Interior Design Themes for Children’s Rooms


children-419446_640It’s easy to judge when it comes to a child’s bedroom. We’ve all been to the homes of friends or relatives and passed junior’s room, only to be surprised by how little imagination went into the décor. Continue reading “Interior Design Themes for Children’s Rooms”

Tips for Opening up Space for Entertaining

architectural-224242_640As a host or hostess, at some point in your life you’ll probably be faced with the dilemma of too many guests, and too little space. Continue reading “Tips for Opening up Space for Entertaining”

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