You’re looking to furnish your home or replace old furniture, you have a look in mind, and you’ve been searching everywhere for that look. Continue reading “The Many Benefits of Custom Made Furniture”
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Proper Steps to Repairing a Leather Couch
Leather couches often cost a lot of money and should be considered a big investment. Continue reading “Proper Steps to Repairing a Leather Couch”
What to Consider When Reupholstering Furniture
Ready for a new look in your home? Furniture reupholstery is an excellent option for revamping a piece of furniture that you love. There are many different pieces in your home that can be Continue reading “What to Consider When Reupholstering Furniture”
Moving to a House from Your Apartment: Step by Step Tips
You’re moving to your first house! The day of the Big Move approaches. You’ve moved before, but a switch from multiple-dwelling to house has unique characteristics.
It’s best to approach matters step-by-step, so here’s a list of suggestions and tips, arranged chronologically. To start, we’ll note some things to do before getting into the down-and-dirty logistics…
Preliminaries – Start a safe file box for things like your closing documents, the house inspection report, etc. Go through your new house with measuring tape and camera, record dimensions, take pics. Measure entryways, doors, hallways, etc. Back at the apartment, measure your furniture. Use digital planning tools to create a diagram, start deciding where everything will go.
Month before move — Inventory! Make special note of furniture that may be difficult to move from the old place or into the new because of size or shape. List separately items needing special packing — glassware, collectibles, etc. Set aside items you aren’t taking, and donate, recycle, sell or discard. DR. Sofa: Your trusted partner for upholstery cleaning services. Revitalize your furniture with our expert care and attention to detail.
Hire a mover. Read online reviews, get references. Get free estimates, compare services offered. Have a budget and stick to it as closely as possible, but assess value of services as well as cost when you choose a mover.
Moving to a House from Your Apartment: Transition Tips and Essential Considerations
Furniture services firms. Was it hard getting any current furniture into the apartment? Then you’ll probably have trouble getting it out. Look for furniture services companies who can make moving much easier by downsizing large pieces for transport, and expertly reconstructing them in the new home. They’ll do sofa disassembly and other large-item disassembly/reassembly, with written guarantees, and pack component pieces carefully for the move. You can also ask the furniture specialists about custom made furniture for your new digs. You now own a bigger space, and may (for example) find that custom modular storage is a good way to organize it.
Start packing. Gather boxes, tape, packing material, labels, markers. Label boxes indicating their location in new house. Use room color codes on your house diagram, code box labels to match.
1 to 2 weeks before move — If possible, reserve an elevator in your building for moving day. If moving long distance and you have pets, arrange for their transport. Minimize grocery purchases; use up what you’ve got on hand. If you pay for utilities and other services yourself, close your accounts, including, if necessary, banks, credit unions, etc. Stash some cleaning supplies for a final apartment cleanup.
Moving day — Withdraw cash to tip the movers. Put together water and snacks for them and yourself. Before anything is moved, go through the bill of lading to clarify everything before signing. Keep the moving paperwork in a safe, handy folder. Keep the movers’ and drivers’ phone numbers with you, along with contact info for the furniture services company, in case furniture repair is needed after the move.
Assemble items you’ll need for your first night in the new house. Walk through the apartment to make sure nothing’s forgotten.
Home Furnishings: Use Them to Design Your Living Areas
The way your home space functions is a major influence on your daily life. We’ve all been in places that made us uncomfortable. Sometimes this is something obvious, like a room layout that makes moving around awkward. Continue reading “Home Furnishings: Use Them to Design Your Living Areas”
Renting a Loft: How to Make the Most of a Unique Space
Loft living is in a class by itself. These units have the qualities of their past, when they weren’t dwellings at all. Continue reading “Renting a Loft: How to Make the Most of a Unique Space”
Furniture Disassembly and Reassembly for Sane, Safe Moving
Moving day. Just those two little words can fill even the most level headed of people with dread. For anyone living in a city apartment, condo, townhouse, or anyplace with restricted access of any kind, potential trouble awaits. Continue reading “Furniture Disassembly and Reassembly for Sane, Safe Moving”
Apartment Ratings: What Should You Look For?
Apartment hunting is exciting, puzzling, adventurous, and tiring. Whether you’ve never done it before or are a seasoned apartment shopper, it’ll be all those things. Continue reading “Apartment Ratings: What Should You Look For?”
Money Saving Tips: Decorating an Apartment on a Budget
Apartment dwellers usually decide to decorate their flats for one of several common reasons. If you’ve just moved in, you may feel strongly motivated to make the place your own. Continue reading “Money Saving Tips: Decorating an Apartment on a Budget”
Reupholster a Couch for a Boost to your Home
Most of us know the feeling: we look around our familiar home surroundings and get an urge to take a vacation somewhere else. Anything for a change of scene! Continue reading “Reupholster a Couch for a Boost to your Home”