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Moving In NYC – Tips for Fitting a Sofa Through Doorways


dontlifttoomuchMoving in New York City can be a tough undertaking even if you know the city already, and if you’re new, it can be downright intimidating. Continue reading “Moving In NYC – Tips for Fitting a Sofa Through Doorways”

So Your Sofa Won’t Fit Through the Door


sofaOh, the shame of it. On moving day, you delivered all of your things to the new apartment except for one of the most important pieces – your honking sofa. Continue reading “So Your Sofa Won’t Fit Through the Door”

What to Take into Consideration Before Moving Into Your Dream House?

www.all-free-download.comHow would you describe your dream home? Blue shutters and a red door? A two-story Tudor home? Chances are, when you think of your dream home, a specific look comes to mind. Continue reading “What to Take into Consideration Before Moving Into Your Dream House?”

Motivations: What Drives People to Move Away from Home?

fine_home_interior_picture_3_167628If you were born between 1980-1999, you are considered a Millennial. The generation immediately following Generation X, Millennials are known for living at home with their parents well into their 20’s, and in some cases, even 30’s. Continue reading “Motivations: What Drives People to Move Away from Home?”

Packing & Shipping Dining Room Furniture
Watch your safety when disassembling large furniture.

One of the toughest and most dreaded aspects of moving is the prospect of moving big, heavy, clumsy pieces of furniture — furniture that requires plenty of padding and a small team of strong men. Continue reading “Packing & Shipping Dining Room Furniture”

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