Ever traveled to another country? Chances are, if you have, you’ve noticed the influence that culture can have on furniture and home décor. Continue reading “Furniture Around the World”
Ever traveled to another country? Chances are, if you have, you’ve noticed the influence that culture can have on furniture and home décor. Continue reading “Furniture Around the World”
Nowhere is the material, rope, more suited than for designing repurposed outdoor furniture. Rope is sturdy, intended for use outdoors and in all types of weather. Continue reading “Furniture Design with Rope”
Find inspiration for your own home design, from resources all around you. Continue reading “Finding Inspiration for a Redesign of Your Home”
NYC is a great place to be inspired by furniture design ideas, especially if you like contemporary, eclectic furniture. Bold, modern pieces capture the city’s electric vibe, and make a statement about your own personal sense of style. Continue reading “Custom Made Furniture Ideas for the Modern Woman”
If you want to buy a new piece of furniture, but aren’t sure whether you should go with a piece of stock furniture or custom made furniture, be sure to explore all the benefits that a custom piece will provide. Continue reading “5 Reasons Custom Furniture is Better than Store Furniture”